2025 Events
• If you have a band listing and are inactive, please email Sharon Stacey – sjcamp01@aol.com, with your band update.
• If you are a promoter or an area representative and have determined the date of your event, please contact us for a free listing on the annual January events.
• If you are a band and would like to be placed in the drawing for the showcase of bands to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025, please contact Sharon Stacey – sjcamp01@aol.com, or Brenda Harris, 205-631-5070 or brendagharris@charter.net by Saturday February 15, 2025.
New for 2025
Venue - Each month the BamaGrass will publish an article devoted to highlighting a particular bluegrass event from around our state. If you have an event or a regular jam listing, we invite you to take part. Simply write a paragraph and send pictures to sjcamp01@aol.com.
Help us grow Bluegrass in 2025.
February 8
Bluegrass at the Cricket
116 Main Street
Collinsville, AL 35961
6:00 pm, $20 general admission
February 22
Southeast Fiddle Championship
Shelton State
March 1
Looney’s Amphitheater (3 bands)
Every 1st Saturday Bluegrass, 6-9 pm
Dual Destiny Theater, $5
22400 US Hwy 278, Double Springs, AL
Ronnie Mobley, 205-269-0073
March 1-2
Ballyhoo Festival
Fiddle & Banjo Competition
20110 State Park Road
Gulf Shores, AL
March 4
Athens State @7:00 pm
Fiddlers Concert Series
@ McCandless Hall, $15
The Tennessee Bluegrass Band
March 22
Pine Mountain Bluegrass Jamboree
Bluegrass Gospel Association
Michael Bush, 334-488-0024
Remlap, AL
Mickey Dooley, 205-681-8643
May 3
ABMA Showcase and Workshops
May 8-10
Tannehill Ironworks Historial State Pk
Confederate Parkway
McCalla, AL
Rental cabins/along with 300 campsites
Contact: Grady Collier, 205-612-4239
May 17
Birmingham Folk Festival
Avondale Park
June 14
Muddy Water Bluegrass Festival
The Weogufka Center - Weogufka, AL
Jammin/Camping at Weogufka, AL
Sue Baxley, 205-990-0885
June 19-21
Summertown Bluegrass Reunion
Summertown, TN (camping)
Terry Pierce, 931-964-2100
October 2 - 5
Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention
Flashpoint Bluegrass Radio
Wed. night 7-10 pm
“Live” from Tuscaloosa, AL
DJ- Jeff Miller